About Me, You & Our Salvation

Posted: 11/29/2018          Updated: 4/6/2020

It was May 20, 1957, and one of those distant moments in time still etched in my mind. The archbishop asked the first confirmation question: Q. Why did God make you? My hand shot up and I answered with some trepidation: A. God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven.

My Confirmation in 1957

That was a much simpler time, when faith and family were strong and we knew how to get to heaven. Unbeknownst to us, the “smoke of Satan” had already entered the Church and society. In the 1960s, many were seduced by the zeitgeist. Even the Catholic Church, the bastion of sacred tradition, was to fall prey to the decadent moral climate. By the late-1970s, when the dust of Woodstock had settled, the legacy of Christian values was being rapidly demolished and the demonization of Christians had begun.

Most lay Catholics and other Christians assumed, as I did many years ago, that many moral teachings and the role of conscience had indeed changed. Clergy stopped talking about morality and advised us to “follow your conscience.” Most of us happily went along, especially since we were assured that everyone goes to heaven. However, in 1994, I concluded from God’s own words that few will be saved.  (Mt 7:13-14; Lk13:23-24)

My awakening led to years of part-time research. As a result, you and your loved ones have a way of knowing where you stand with God. This work consists of two parts – (1) a brief essay summarizing “how to get to heaven,” and (2) the rest of this website, which explains the truth about salvation. These simple well-researched initiatives will leave no doubt in your mind as to what is required to attain salvation.

The essay that describes “how to get to heaven” is based on the teachings of Catholicism, since its founder is the Son of God. It has sufficient detail so that adherence to its prescriptions and humble repentance will make your salvation highly likely. Yet, it is brief and easily read (one printed page, both sides).

Since the Catholic Church has existed for 2000 years, one might think that such a document already exists but, if it does, I can’t locate it. I’ve seen an online video by Catholic evangelist Jimmy Akin. He says, “To come to God and be saved, you need to repent, have faith and be baptized. If you commit mortal sin, you need to repent, have faith and go to confession.” This advice is true, but deficient in providing the detail that is needed. Alternatively, the Catholic Catechism has sufficient detail, but goes unread by most due to its size and theological complexity.

The brief 10-minute essay I wrote is located on the homepage of this website. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to embrace its teachings and to distribute it widely.

This website has additional detail that provides evidence for belief, so that the reader can come to understand why the teachings of the Church are true. In today’s world, unbelief is widespread. All of the reasons for unbelief can be addressed by using reason, logic, and the tools of philosophy and modern science. The topics are discussed so as to be understandable to a non-specialist.

This website provides evidence that:

• There is an intelligent creator of all reality. This can be known not only by faith, but also through the intellect.
• Jesus Christ is the Son of God and rose from the dead.
• Jesus established the Catholic Church and protects it from error in faith and morals.
• Although few will be saved, Jesus desires your salvation, and has provided you with reliable moral guidance.
• A well-formed conscience is the door to salvation; humble acceptance of Church teaching is the key.

